Help Centre - Owner

See our FAQ

How and when will I be paid?

The remuneration for each of your hires will be credited by bank wire. It will be sent on the second day of the hire. This should show in your account within 3 to 7 working days, depending on who you bank with.

Security is our main priority. We have chosen to work with Mangopay from the company Leetchi, which is one of the only establishments authorised by "Banque de France" for money transfers between private individuals. When the renter pays the total amount of the booking online (including our service fees and the insurance), your remuneration is stocked on a Mangopay account, which we do not have access to.

To receive payments for each hire, you will have to fill in the bank details (IBAN and BIC) for the account that you wish to credit.
Update your bank details here.

This information is secured and can be used solely to credit you. If you want to update your bank details, go to "My Account", then access the "Owner Documents" tab and select "Bank Details". Simply follow the on-screen instructions to save your new information.

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number and is a number attached to all accounts in the EU countries plus Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Hungary. The IBAN makes it easier and faster to process cross-border payments. The number is made up of a maximum of 34 alphanumerical characters, which are structured as follows: Two letters representing the home country of the account-holding bank, two numbers that are a control key, and a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters that identify the bank and the regular account number.